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Tag: Painting

How to Paint an Exterior Door

Whether you have a new exterior door to paint or are going to repaint an existing door, the techniques ar

How Colors Affect Your Mood – Gray-blues have a Zen-like Quality

Colors affect your mood in ways that you arent aware of. Colors are used in public buildings, advertising

Painting Over Dark Paint Colors

Paint is one of the easiest ways to change the look of your home. It is also one of the least expensive r

How to Paint over Wallpaper

It doesnt matter what type of paint job you are going to tackle, preparation is the most important part.

How to Recycle Your Paint

Think back to your last home improvement project—remodeling, painting your house, changing the color of a

Cleaning a Paint Brush – Tips and Tricks to Saving Your Brush

If you are going to be tackling any home improvement projects that involve painting, you’re going to have

Reasons to Hire a Professional House Painter

So youre planning to paint your house. The question is do you do it yourself, or do you hire a profession

Is More Expensive House Paint Worth The Money

Painting the inside of a houseor even just a roomis an ambitious, time consuming undertaking. House paint

Choosing Interior Paint Colors for a New Home

The colors you choose for the interior of your new home will depend on a number of factors. The purpose o

What to Look for when Buying Paint Brushes

Whether you are painting the walls of your house, your window frames and doors or other woodwork, tacklin

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